We had a diversion before we were due to arrive at our allotted time at the airport of Sheremetyevo which is to the north west of Moscow to kill some time, and kill some we certainly did.
We were told that we would be taken to a couple of places with some preserved aircraft but the traffic and a general lack of decent directions made most of us uncomfortable with the sheer amount time it was taking to source out the first of these places.
After what seemed like an eternity we arrived at a park in Lyublino where our van stopped to let us out. We didn't go into the park but carried on walking down the road to a go-kart track where inside we found a MiG-21 and a very sorry looking Mi-2 that were on a sort of obstacle course. After an ice-cream break we decided amongst ourselves that the second stop could be skipped as we'd rather get to the actual airport. Lyublino is to the south east of Moscow and Sheremetyevo is in the north west sector and the traffic was truly horrific. It took a lot for Steve to convince Olga that this was a good plan of action, because of course we cannot deviate from the itinerary. As it happened in the end we did arrive at Sheremetyevo on time much to the relief of all involved after binning the second stop.
Next stop Sheremetyevo.
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