

The Paper Chase / Stanton / Soon The Darkness - London, Arts Café Tuesday 21st January 2003
I like the Arts Café - a lot of people slate the sound system, whine about the small size, (it's fucking tiny mind), and moan that it's tough to get to… (it's not in Camden). They are wrong, this place has the rarest of all things in rock venues… big windows and a sense that really people might actually not have painted over the cockroaches on the floor with that horrid thick black paint that covers almost every other pisshole venue in London!

Anyway I arrived flushed with success at it being three weeks since I got paid and I still had enough money to pay to get in and buy beer. My economy drive was working. I had actually been saving up for this date, Paper Chase's album popped through my door in the autumn and had been growing on me since… like that guy's extra mean head in "how to get ahead in advertising" the one that filters all his dark thoughts and likes being filthy and that. It's a dark mix of Jesus Lizard worthy stop start rhythm section and squealing vocals that someone semi accurately fingers as a cross between Bright Eyes and Shellac. So I was pretty keen on seeing this one. The supporting line up is also not to be sniffed at.

Soon The Darkness are a fairly accurate take on the kind of screamo hardcore that really hipster black hair dye wearing teens will be attempting to track down on Ebay as I write… (Antioch Arrow, Heroin, Mohinder etc). Essentially loud very fast, hardcore, with more than an element of theatrical falling over and writhing in frontman Tim Holehouse, however they are either too loud for this venue or I just don't get them. This was the best I've seen them though (fourth time I think at various slots).

Stanton are something of a coming thing though to my mind. They've been going for a dog's age and I've seen them play some utterly woeful shows (usually "the drink" has it's way). These days though they are tighter than the proverbial gnat’s chuff and new stuff like ‘Dead Man's Hammock’ and ‘Free T-Shirt’ inspired by the singer from Oxbow's offer of a "free t-shirt and a assfucking" to the crowd when Stanton opened for them last year. Buy their album, and in fact everything on their marvellous little label Jonson Family Records. (NB the fact that Joe from Stanton now also writes for Unpeeled is NOT evidence of our incestuous indie scene... or at least it's not to us as we're all great mates and go round one another's houses and that WOO HOO… and don't care what you think anyway!).

BUT I digress, what were The Paper Chase like you ask… well I'd be lying if I didn't say I was drunk off my fucking ass, and boy I was, but hell they whipped my ass… (with a belt)… metaphorically speaking of course. It would have been enough that the bass players beard made him look like one of the Magic Band circa 72, but he and the drummer actually played as tight as that look implied and John Congleton miniature wiry, bleach blond frame was as kinetic as his vocals were taut. They played most of the top tunes off their current album (including one with me singing the wrong words to one bit… how dreadfully non U... but he did pass the mic' himself and I was obviously shitfaced). I advise a severe checking out when they come back.

Ian Unpeeled (the zine that covers the John Peel shows, info from shane@unpeeled.freeserve.co.uk)

The Paper Chase
Soon The Darkness

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